Saturday, September 22, 2007


Boring day. Got 2 send outs and have offer i am trying to close.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Ever wonder what makes candidates tick? Wish I knew. I must really emphasize the power of checking up with candidates. Take my guy going for a final interview on Monday. Marco, will you move? NO!, 2 months later Marco, will you move? NO! 2 months later. Marco any chance of moving? Yes! HUH???? Girl? Money? Local? Who knows but, You must check on them all the time. Email, phone it does not matter. Just keep your name in front of them. Never let them forget who you are. They will change eventually. "Face it Mr. Candidate, know one retires with the golden watch anymore. I have been doing this for 10 years and I will be here 10 more. When your ready I'll help." I will place Marco and I will get paid, just wait and see. This would have not happened had I not bugged him 1 more time. Keep those good candidates in your stable and take them out and groom them at least every 6 months.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dr Appointment today

Nothing to report. Was in the office for about 4 hours. Preoccupied with BS today and did not get a lot done. See ya tomorrow

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday is happy day

Great day to day. Made 2 deals (1 replacement so no fee) and both were great. Remember a couple days ago I had mentioned I had helped a client with a problem with a candidate they got on there own. Well, they hired my candidate instead. How cool. KARMA baby! I have been really pushing hard the last few days and have gotten tons of interviews set up and have about 6 more to get scheduled this week. I may hit an all time number of 1st time interviews like 40+ this month. I want to talk a little bit about marketing. I really do not have a problem marketing in fact it seems like every marketing call I make i could get a job order if I wanted to. Here is the question: What do you say for the "Send me a resume" objection? I have heard a lot of good stuff over the years like: " are you hiring him for his resume?" "Great I will have it hand delivered tomorrow by the candidate" or "What did I tell you to make you ask for a resume?". These are all good, but, My personal favorite is " Mr. Employer, I have been doing this for a long time and there is only 3 reason why someone asks me for a resume. 1. They have an interest and want more info. 2. they here this from recruiters then when they meet or talk to the guy they realize the recruiter was inflating the guys experience and 3. You really have no interest but, you are to nice of a guy to go tell me to pound sand. So which is it?" This works 99% of the time and even if they do not have an opening it results in a good conversation that can lead to more down the road. Well have a great night and remember. Feel free to ask any questions, I will answer them.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday the start of a sh*t week!

What is up with candidates/ 1 turndown and one counteroffer this AM. Friday was a great golf day. Played a great course and drank a lot of rum. Come in Monday and bummed out to begin with. Counteroffers suck! used to be that candidates got fired a few months later. Not anymore. VP use them to get more money just like low levels guys do. It is almost the norm. Any body have and new ideas please let me know. That is it for today, I am going to hit the bottle.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday-Busy, busy

Wow, today went fast. I played the power of 3 today. Anyone know what that is? Take 3 candidates and get each one 3 interviews. POWER OF 3. Works great and almost guarantees a placement. Today I also did a lot of closing. Closed for interviews, closed for offer amount and even closed on location for a relo candidate. I did something today that also surprised me. I helped a client overcome an objection with a candidate that was not mine and prevented my candidate from getting an interview with this client. I guess I am really trying to follow the saying " Help people get what they want and you will get what you want". Kinda golden rule type stuff. Oh yah, almost forgot. We started a new line of training tapes at our office. We bought them about a week ago and are into the 2nd module. Really good stuff. Lot of tips on marketing and different ways to market besides calling up the client with a rock-star candidate or calling up and telling how great and wonderful I am. If you have not bought some industry specific training videos you should. I have not learned a lot from these but, every little bit helps and it refreshes me and reminds me of stuff I used to do but got lazy on. Well I am playing golf tomorrow at 1pm so tomorrow is a short day. I will make it productive and I am predicting at least 2 new send outs.


I missed my post last night. Wednesday was Yom Kippur and my stepfather is jewish so we went there for dinner. I will expand into Wednesday with todays happenings. Check back to tonight because we got lots to talk about!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 Remeber

Good productive day today. Not a lot of outbound calls but very good substance all day. I have to comment on a conversation I had with another recruiter today. She informed me of a name gathering service she uses. We have assistant recruiters in my office who do most of our name gathering/sourcing for candidates. After talking with her I decided I need to try this service. They will go into a list of companies, 1 company or how ever many you tell them and focus on getting you the names of every one you request IE: give me all the controllers at these 50 top tile ad carpet manufactures or give me all the executive secretaries in a 20 mile radius of Fargo ND. From her experience it sounds great. Fresh, up to date list of NON-ACTIVE candidates. No resume on monster, working with other recruiters or unemployed schmoes. These are a recruiters wet dream. So moral of the story would be: When you get that hot search assignment in Topeka KS, look at a sourcing/research company to give you a fresh list to recruit off of, it will be money well spent!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Sept. 10th Lazy Day

Not much to mention today. Hr manger from a client I have done some work with called me today and asked for help on 4 searches. NY, MA, UT and CA. They have it posted internally, have other recruiters working on it and have it posted on MONSTER. I won't work on it hard but, I will through a couple of people at her. One thing I learned is that you can never have to many balls in the air/ rods in the water. So they are not exclusive or retained! They are within my market space and if I know someone I will get the SEND OUT. Over the years have have talked to a lot of recruiters who will not do this. Just does not seem smart. MONEY IS MONEY. So next time client or potential client calls and it is not the best search assignment still listen. Let them know you cannot work on it full time but, "you will keep your eyes open" Who knows, you may get a placement or find a great candidate to market elsewhere.
Have a good day and feel free to ask questions.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


So here it goes. This is my 1st blog post. Let's see how long I can keep it going. Today is Saturday but do not get used to Saturday posts. I am going to make this blog all about headhunting, recruiting, staffing, search and recruitment, flesh peddling or any of the other titles we have been saddled with. So far this year I am at 200k cash-in (not my best year) and I have about 60k due in so , if do not make another deal I will have a 260k year. Got a lot of things pending though so I hope to do about 400k this year. This has been one of those strange years. I have more Search assignments and job openings than I know what to do with. Right now I have 30k in retainers in house and every time I make a marketing call I write another job order. Next week will be very hectic. Got to cover 3 retiners and I got contignet clients breathing down my neck ( do not ever want retainers from some of them). I have come up with a twist that will allow you to get paid for the work even if you do not make a plaement and 95% of the time the client is still happy.