Thursday, September 20, 2007


Ever wonder what makes candidates tick? Wish I knew. I must really emphasize the power of checking up with candidates. Take my guy going for a final interview on Monday. Marco, will you move? NO!, 2 months later Marco, will you move? NO! 2 months later. Marco any chance of moving? Yes! HUH???? Girl? Money? Local? Who knows but, You must check on them all the time. Email, phone it does not matter. Just keep your name in front of them. Never let them forget who you are. They will change eventually. "Face it Mr. Candidate, know one retires with the golden watch anymore. I have been doing this for 10 years and I will be here 10 more. When your ready I'll help." I will place Marco and I will get paid, just wait and see. This would have not happened had I not bugged him 1 more time. Keep those good candidates in your stable and take them out and groom them at least every 6 months.

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