Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Sept. 10th Lazy Day

Not much to mention today. Hr manger from a client I have done some work with called me today and asked for help on 4 searches. NY, MA, UT and CA. They have it posted internally, have other recruiters working on it and have it posted on MONSTER. I won't work on it hard but, I will through a couple of people at her. One thing I learned is that you can never have to many balls in the air/ rods in the water. So they are not exclusive or retained! They are within my market space and if I know someone I will get the SEND OUT. Over the years have have talked to a lot of recruiters who will not do this. Just does not seem smart. MONEY IS MONEY. So next time client or potential client calls and it is not the best search assignment still listen. Let them know you cannot work on it full time but, "you will keep your eyes open" Who knows, you may get a placement or find a great candidate to market elsewhere.
Have a good day and feel free to ask questions.

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