Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 Remeber

Good productive day today. Not a lot of outbound calls but very good substance all day. I have to comment on a conversation I had with another recruiter today. She informed me of a name gathering service she uses. We have assistant recruiters in my office who do most of our name gathering/sourcing for candidates. After talking with her I decided I need to try this service. They will go into a list of companies, 1 company or how ever many you tell them and focus on getting you the names of every one you request IE: give me all the controllers at these 50 top tile ad carpet manufactures or give me all the executive secretaries in a 20 mile radius of Fargo ND. From her experience it sounds great. Fresh, up to date list of NON-ACTIVE candidates. No resume on monster, working with other recruiters or unemployed schmoes. These are a recruiters wet dream. So moral of the story would be: When you get that hot search assignment in Topeka KS, look at a sourcing/research company to give you a fresh list to recruit off of, it will be money well spent!

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